Female reproductive system

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Female reproductive system terms

Hyster/o, metr/ Uterus Hysterectomy, endometritis (inflammation of the lining of uterus)
Salping/o, -salpinx Uterine tube Salpingitis, hematosalpinx (blood in the uterine tube)
Colp/o Vagina Colporrhaphy (suturing a tear), colpoplasty (surgical reconstruction), colposcopy (viewing the interior)
Oophor/o Ovary Oophorectomy, oophoropexy (surgery fixation, reattachment)
Men/o Menstruation Menarche (first), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
Mamm/o, mast/o Breast Mammogram, mastectomy
-pareunia, coitus Intercourse Dyspareunia (painful intercourse), precoital, postcoital (before and after intercourse)
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