Visual Identity

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    Wordmarks and Logos

    The graphic components of the DMU’s signature logo system are the wordmark, the caduceus and the Des Moines University color palette.

    The  wordmark and caduceus must appear in the DMU color palette only. They must not be altered in any way. Do not fill the logos with graphics or photos or cover them with text or graphics, and do not change or approximate the fonts.

    The university wordmark is a custom letterform of the name “Des Moines University.” It cannot be replicated through typesetting.

    Together, the university wordmark and the caduceus are known as the university signature logo system.


    The Des Moines University logo is the primary identifier for all units, divisions, products and services.

    The official DMU logo must never be used without the tagline MEDICINE & HEALTH SCIENCES.
    No other logos or badges should be used with our primary logos in any instance.

    • The Des Moines University logo mark and its configurations detailed in the guidelines are the only acceptable graphic identification for the university and its colleges, units, institutes or centers.
    • No other logos, symbols, or type treatments should be developed or used by colleges, departments and divisions for the university.
    • Exceptions are granted under extreme circumstances if a unit is not central to the university’s mission, competes in a retail or corporate environment or is celebrating a milestone anniversary. A request for an exemption must be made to
    • Adhering to these guidelines reinforces the reputation of the whole university and all its parts.
    • Additionally, the DMU family of logos consists of a primary brand logo and two sub-brand logos representing the spectrum of DMU operations. These logos have been created in a specific spatial relationship of elements that cannot be altered. Logo files should always be obtained directly from marketing and communications or downloaded below.
    DMU Clinic horizontal logo
    DMU Clinic stacked logo

    The Des Moines University Clinic has two locations:

    • 3200 Grand Ave. in Des Moines, Iowa
    • 6500 Grand Ave. in West Des Moines, Iowa

    The DMU Clinic logo is used for all clinic locations and services. The DMU Clinic logo and its configurations follow the same guidelines as DMU’s primary logo.

    Identity Guidelines and Acceptable Use

    The Des Moines University visual identity is more than just a graphic appearance. It represents an important component of the university’s unique personality.

    Note these key points about the university’s visual identity:

    • The correct and consistent use of the university’s name is crucial in distinguishing it from other institutions across the country. Consistency in using the name helps establish name recognition locally, regionally, and on a statewide and national level.
    • The formal full name of the university is typically used as the first text reference to clearly identify the institution to readers. After the first reference, it is usually not necessary to use the full formal name.
    • The acronym “DMU” is used as a shorthand for Des Moines University but should not be used as a first text reference.
    • The university’s brand standards guide is built on a strategy where the university logo mark is the primary identifier for all units, divisions, products and services. The DMU logo mark and its configurations detailed in the guidelines are the only acceptable graphic identification for the university and its colleges, units, institutes or centers.
    • No other logos, symbols or type treatments should be developed or used by colleges, departments, divisions, units, centers or institutes, except under extreme circumstances or milestone anniversaries.
    • Exceptions to the logo usage guidelines can be requested by contacting the DMU marketing director.
    • A request for an exemption must be made to the DMU marketing director at Adhering to these guidelines reinforces the reputation of the whole university and all its parts.

    Color Use for Logos

    Primary Usage

    Secondary Usage

    • Entire logo in brand purple on a white background.
    • Entire logo in black on a white background.
    • Reversing the logo to white is also acceptable when using logo on a dark background.

    Using Stacked Logo With Department or College Name

    The stacked logo paired with a college or department is illustrated below. The stacked DMU logo can be paired with our Univers Next Pro Bold font in all caps.


    Department logos are designated for specific use cases such as certain department-specific merchandise. Department logos should not be used interchangeably with DMU’s primary logo, for example, in the DMU email signature, in emails or other marketing materials.

    Contact marketing and communications for assistance.


    When positioning the logo close to other elements, make sure to give the logo spacing to maintain readability and integrity.

    Use the D in Des Moines (approximately 25% bigger than the logo size D) as a guide for the minimum spacing on all sides. This spacing applies to all formats of the primary logo.

    No other logos or badges should be used with our primary logos in any instance.


    Using Horizontal Logo With Department or College Name

    The horizontal logo paired with a college or department is illustrated here with a brand purple bar with white Univers Next Pro font in all caps.

    An alternative is a rule line with the college or department underneath the horizontal logo.

    No other logos or badges should be used with our primary logos in any instance.


    Department logos are designated for specific use cases such as certain department-specific merchandise. Department logos should not be used interchangeably with DMU’s primary logo, for example, in the DMU email signature, in emails or other marketing materials.

    Contact marketing and communications for assistance.


    Des Moines University Seal

    The university seal is reserved for use on formal and official documents, such as diplomas, transcripts, resolutions and for formal letters and invitations from the president’s office. The university seal symbolizes the formal authority vested in the university, and its use is at the sole discretion of the Office of the President with approval from the marketing and communications office.

    No other logos or badges should be used near our official seal.

    DO NOT use the official seal in combination with the logo. For permission to use the university seal, contact marketing and communications.


    DMU logos may be used on merchandise, such as apparel and promotional items. Promotional products and clothing can help build awareness for the university and specific programs but are allowed only if proper identification and brand standards are followed.

    Any merchandise or promotional items that use a DMU logo must follow our visual standards. All merchandise and specialty items must be coordinated through the Campus Store to protect our brand identity. Items that do not follow standards will not be approved.

    To coordinate an order, contact 515-271-7823 or

    Color Palette

    The Des Moines University color palette centers around the use of our DMU brand purple. Pantone 268 is our official brand color and all other colors from the official palette support this primary color.

    There are rare uses of any other colors for DMU materials other than the colors or tints of colors displayed on this page. If you have questions about these colors or how to use them, please consult with the marketing and communications team.

    Primary Palette

    PMS 268

    CMYK: 82  100  0  12
    RGB: 88  44  131
    HEX: #582C83


    CMYK: 0  0  0  0
    RGB: 255  255  255


    CMYK: 0  0  0  100
    RGB: 0  0  0
    HEX: #000000

    Secondary Palette

    PMS 2695

    CMYK: 82  100  0  41
    RGB: 46  26  71
    HEX: #2E1A47

    PMS 264

    CMYK: 23  36  0  0
    RGB: 193  167  226
    HEX: #C1A7E2

    PMS 513

    CMYK: 48  94  5  1
    RGB: 148  54  142
    HEX: #94368E

    Cool Gray 7

    CMYK: 43  35  35  1
    RGB: 151  153  155
    HEX: #97999B

    Cool Gray 3

    CMYK: 20  17  17  0
    RGB: 200  201  199
    HEX: #C8C9C7


    Univers Next Pro is the official brand font for Des Moines University.

    The official fonts used by marketing and communications are various weights of Univers Next Pro for headlines and body copy. All signage and communications will reflect variations of this font family.

    Univers Next Pro is a licensed font for the university and is only available through DMU’s marketing and communications office.

    Demonstration of different font weights and styles for the Univers Next Pro typeface.
    Demonstration of different font weights and styles for the Univers Next Pro Condensed typeface.

    Headline Style: All caps. Univers Next Pro Bold or Univers Next Pro Bold Condensed.

    Body Copy Style: Upper and lower case Univers Next Pro Light or Univers Next Pro Regular.

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