D.P.M. Curriculum

Prepare to become an exceptional physician

The College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery prepares podiatric medical students through an integrated program of didactic, laboratory and clinical experiences in hospitals and ambulatory care facilities. Our student outcomes are evidence of our strong curriculum.

The first year CPMS students take their basic sciences courses with students in DMU’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. As the course of study progresses, podiatric medical students focus more on the foot and ankle and physical diagnoses skills.

The second year integrates basic sciences and clinical medicine with an emphasis on the lower extremity. Students explore the interrelationships and interdependence of body systems and then focus on biomechanics, lower limb anatomy, clinical podiatric medicine, diagnosis and surgery.

The third year students apply principles of evidence-based medicine, the strategic use of current best clinical research findings in making decisions about individual patient care. After learning related concepts in the first two years, students in the third year are fully immersed in case discussions and research. That further prepares them for clinical training.

Clinical Training 

Students practice physical diagnosis skills on a voluntary basis during the second year. Formal clinical rotations begin in the summer after the second year and continue until graduation. Rotations are offered in a variety of settings, from Foot and Ankle in the DMU Clinic to year-4 rotations available nationwide. These experiences foster students’ understanding of the role of podiatric physicians and their interactions with other members of the health care team.

Fall Term
(August – December)
Spring Term
(January – May)
(June – July)
Year 1 Anatomy I
Clinical Medicine I A
Foundational Sciences I
Principles and Practices of Podiatric Med
Winter Break Anatomy II
Clinical Medicine I B
Foundational Sciences II
Foundational Sciences III
Year 2 CS I: Cardio/Pulmonary
CS II: Endo/Hematology
CS III: Neph/Gi/Nutrition
CS IV: Neuro/Beh Med
Cultural Competency in Medicine
Lower Extremity Dermatology
Medical Pharmacology
Winter Break Biomechanics and Surgery
Clinical Medicine and Diagnostics
Fundamentals of Foot Function
Lower Limb Anatomy
Clinical Rotations
(May – July)
Year 3 Basic Surgical and Medical Skills
Heath Care Systems, Community Med, Jurisprudence
Clinical Rotations (July – May)
Evidence-Based Medicine (September – April)
Year 4 Begins
Year 4 Clinical Skills Assessment (Taken in 1-Credit Hour Increments Over Three Terms)
Clinical Rotations (44 Credit Hours)

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Curriculum schedule subject to change.

Residency Training

After graduating, students enter three-year residency programs across the country. Many DMU graduates receive residencies at prestigious and well-known teaching hospitals. Although no guarantee of a specific residency placement can be given, podiatric physicians practice in a variety of settings.

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