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Get certified in public health (CPH)

Public health professionals daily face the challenges of confronting complex health issues, such as controlling infectious diseases, reducing environmental hazards, increasing public health preparedness and minimizing substance abuse.

With all of these serious challenges, public health professionals need to be dedicated to staying at the forefront of their field by understanding the interaction between the different specialized areas of public health, learning new strategies to cope with disasters and constantly working to stay two steps ahead of any threat in order to be effective with the proactive and preventative approach that characterizes the public health field.

Becoming a certified public health professional has multiple benefits including:

  • Setting a standard of knowledge and skills in public health
  • Encouraging life-long learning
  • Adding credibility to the public health profession
  • Increasing public health awareness
  • Fostering the environment of a professional community

The exam is rooted in the five basic core competencies of public health to reflect the nature of the field and the way one area of knowledge blends into another. The certification exam is administered to graduates of CEPH-accredited schools and programs of public health.

ASPH CPH study guide

Developed with the help of twenty faculty members at schools of public health, the ASPH study guide was created over the past year to assist candidates in preparing for the public health certification examination. The website for the study guide has a discussion board that will let individuals studying for the exam across the country interact and learn from each other.

Certified health education specialist

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