A podiatrist works on a patient's foot.

DMU Podiatric Experts Featured in the Media

Reporters often turn to the faculty experts in Des Moines University’s College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery when looking for practical information about all things related to the health and function of the lower limb, feet and ankles. Two faculty members recently featured in the news are also CPMS graduates.

ABC News featured Kevin Smith, D.P.M.’95, Ph.D., M.S., CPMS dean, in a March 18 broadcast titled, “Best Running Shoes: Experts Weigh In on What to Look For.” The answer to finding the right footwear, he said, begins with each individual runner.

“I never recommend a specific shoe,” Smith told ABC. “You have to fit the shoe to the person and the foot.” He said he likes to know about his patients’ running style, whether or not their feet tend to pronate (roll inward) or supinate (roll outward), and the runner’s weight to determine their need for stability or cushioning.

Kelly John, D.P.M.’99, M.H.A.’99, FACFAS, DABPM, assistant professor and a podiatric physician at the DMU Clinic – Foot and Ankle, was interviewed in March by First For Women magazine in an article titled, “Foot Doctors Share 6 Ways to Ease Toe Cramps and What It Means When the Pain Strikes After Exercise.” She explained that toe cramps occur when the muscles in and around the foot and the associated tendons involuntarily contract but don’t immediately relax. Tips for warding off toe cramps include staying active and hydrated, performing exercises specifically for the feet and ankles and stretching before and after exercise.

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