International Rotations and Internships

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Each year, many Des Moines University Medicine and Health Sciences students choose to complete international rotations or internships to develop new skills and learn about patient populations they may not encounter in the United States. DMU’s Department of Global Health has partnerships with institutions, hospitals and universities around the world.

The Department of Global Health defines the length and type of each rotation in collaboration with the student’s clinical coordinator/advisor and the international site. Students should begin speaking with their clinical coordinator/advisor and the Department of Global Health in advance, as there are steps that need to be followed to receive approval from Des Moines University for these rotations and internships.

For clinical students, international rotations are generally four to eight weeks. The maximum number of international rotation weeks eligible for graduation credit is eight weeks. Additionally, some students elect to complete two four-week rotations at different sites. Students are strongly discouraged from scheduling an international rotation during the match period. For non-clinical students, the length of an international internship is flexible.

If you have questions about the logistics of arranging an international rotation or international internship contact the Department of Global Health at

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