Students lead ultrasound workshop

DMU Students with UltrasoundUltrasound — a technology that uses high-frequency sound waves to make images of organs and structures in the body — can give health care providers in-depth insights into their patients’ conditions without using invasive procedures or ionizing radiation, as X-rays and CT scans do. Those advantages are why ultrasound is rapidly moving from the radiology suite to a portable bedside diagnostic tool. They’re also why a March 9 point-of-care ultrasound workshop hosted by DMU drew health care providers from central Iowa and beyond.

The workshop boasted lecture-based learning as well as interactive, hands-on exercises in the topics of machine use, abdominal exam, vascular access, FAST exam (trauma) and more.

“The attendees could not say enough about the great teaching, excellent hands-on training and many diagnostic options available for learning or improving point-of-care ultrasound techniques,” said Thomas Green, D.O., M.P.H., FACOEP, FACEP, associate dean of clinical affairs in DMU’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. He thanked faculty and students who made the workshop a success. “Special thanks goes out to Nathan Spencer, D.O.’18, and Marshall Sheide, D.O.’18, for their drive, diligence, passion and vigor in their assistance with the development of the workshop and pushing all of us to strive for more than we ever thought possible.”

Nearly all medical specialties use bedside ultrasound technology. It has advanced to providing assistance in therapeutic applications, and its use is constantly expanding.

During the past year, DMU student volunteers have contributed to the training of their peers and mentors by serving as teaching assistants as well as subjects to allow providers to practice ultrasound techniques. Spencer and Sheide also have given presentations about the University’s progress in teaching ultrasound at the Iowa Academy of Family Physicians and the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine.

“This activity made it clear that ultrasound technology has evolved to a more available bedside tool that should be utilized by all physicians,” stated one participant in the March 9 workshop. “It is great that Des Moines University is incorporating this into the students’ education, and it was interesting to use students as teachers. They were spectacular and did a great job!”

If you are interested in additional live or online faculty or preceptor educational opportunities, please visit the Continuing Medical Education website.

DMU Students with Ultrasound


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