Physical therapy month

October is national physical therapy month. Did you know that in most states you can schedule an appointment with a physical therapist without a doctor’s referral? Most people associate seeing a physical therapist with rehabilitation after an injury or surgery, but physical therapists can help anyone improve his mobility and quality of life.

Read how one of our alums, Anna DeWaay, is helping patients who have had breast cancer surgery.

If you think you could benefit from seeing a  physical therapist, head to the DMU Clinic. Our physical therapy clinic offers a range of services including:

  • Physical exam/functionality assessment
  • Personalized exercise prescriptions
  • Coordination, balance and unsteady gait training
  • Sport-specific rehabilitation
  • Occupational medicine, including ergonomic assessments and work conditioning and injury rehabilitation
  • Women’s health services for urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse and pre- and post-partum pain and weakness.

We also have a 3-year doctor of physical therapy program. Learn about the admission requirements and how to apply. The application deadline for the class starting in August 2011 is January 15, 2011.

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