
DMU COATS Connecting Older Adults to Students

Mentor a Des Moines University student, gain a friend and improve health care

COATS is a program that facilitates one-to-one relationships between active older adults in the greater Des Moines area and graduate-level students pursuing degrees in medicine and the health sciences at DMU.

Senior mentors help students learn what it is like to be active at their age, while both students and mentors learn about relevant health care topics together.

DMU students are aspiring health care providers, professionals and leaders. COATS matches these promising individuals with local older adults so they can learn from and with each other during monthly meetings.

As a COATS mentor, you will help students better understand the rewards and realities of older adulthood. Your insights and experiences will make them better future health care providers, health administrators and public health professionals who are more attuned and responsive to patients and colleagues they will encounter in their careers.

There are benefits for you, too: You will enjoy interacting with a DMU student who is motivated to serve people and society, and you will gain knowledge about health topics that are relevant to you.


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Become a Mentor!

We ask mentors to be available for most—or all—of the 10 sessions and to be willing to share their stories, opinions and feelings.

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