Is the U.S. medical care system “resource constrained”?

It’s well-documented and well-known that the United States spends more on health care than any other developed nation. Many assume these higher costs are caused by Americans’ widespread over-consumption of medical resources. Similarly, many assume the U.S. has a boundless supply of physicians and hospital service capacity.

Both assumptions are far from being accurate, however. In fact, while the U.S. does spend more on health care, as a percentage of its Gross Domestic Product, than any other country, we have the fewest licensed hospital beds among the top seven developed countries, our physician availability is quite low and our numbers of medical school graduates is comparatively modest. How will we accommodate increased demand from newly insured patients?

The assumptions “we have too much, we use too much” in health care are faulty.

Richard Belloff, D.B.A., ACHE, assistant professor in DMU’s master of health care administration and master of public health programs, will explore these assumptions and questions in an upcoming presentation titled “Is the U.S. medical care system ‘resource constrained?'” Dr. Belloff will discuss some of the paradoxical aspects of the U.S. health care system as he examines how we compare to other nations around the world.

Mark your calendar now for a stimulating and enlightening presentation – you’ll come away with a greater understanding of the challenges we face as a nation and as providers of health care. This free event will take place on Thursday, March 1, from 7 to 8 p.m. in Lecture Hall 1 in DMU’s Academic Center.

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