Vroom, vroom.

If you love to drool over shiny chrome and see the newest sets of wheels, as my husband does, check out the open house Sept. 6 at Big Barn Harley Davidson. From 11 a.m. til 10 p.m., you can browse their bikes. There’s a BBQ from 11-2 and live music begins at 1 p.m. They’ll have food and drink vendors til 10 p.m. too.

The best part of this event, (other than being free to attend, of course) is that the fun includes a blood drive! The Blood Center of Iowa will be there from 10 a.m. til 1 p.m. so you can donate blood. You can sign up ahead of time. As extra incentive, you can pick a gift that represents one of your favorite Iowa undergrad institutions. 

Photo:www.harley-davidson.com.This V-Rod is what I’d buy my hubby if I found an extra $17,000 layin around.  haha.

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