M.S.A. Class Profile

Home » Master of Science in Anatomy » M.S.A. Class Profile
Class of 2024
Class size 6
Age The average age is 24; the range is between 22 and 25.
Sex 33% of the class is female; 67% is male.
Residency Students represent 4 different states. There is no residency requirement at DMU.
Undergraduate degrees The most common undergraduate majors are biology and chemistry; however, any major is considered for admission.
Academic performance
The average cumulative GPA is 3.04 and the average science GPA is 2.95.

Incoming students have a variety of experiences in the sciences with an interest in health care and medicine.
Application timeline Successful applicants applied early in the admissions cycle. It is recommended to apply in fall of the year prior to planned matriculation to DMU. The program begins in July of each year.
Interview Incoming students displayed strong interview skills, including communication skills, interpersonal behaviors, self-awareness, cultural competency, and others.
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